Principal Physiotherapist

Bachelor’s Degree in Physiotherapy (1999); Master of Health Administration (AUS); Certified NDT Therapist, Neuro-Developmental Treatment Association (N.D.T.A.), U.S A; Wellmed Certified Therapist, GYM TONIC, Finland; Allied Health Professions Council (AHPC) A1302293D; Member of Australasian College of Health Service Management (ACHSM) 40859277

Professional Profile

Ms Manchu is a Physiotherapist with two decades of experience in intermediate and long-term care sectors (ILTC) in Singapore. She graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in physiotherapy in year 1999. She has a Master’s Degree in Health Administration from Flinders University, Australia. She is additionally certified in Neuro-developmental therapy (NDT) from the USA and is a Welmed Certified Therapist from Finland.

She has 21 years of diverse experience in Singapore.She has worked in the areas of Neurological, Orthopaedics and Geriatric carein the ILTC, disability and private sectors.Prior to establishing Synergy Day Rehabilitation, Ms. Manchu involved herself in caring for the adults and geriatrics in the Intermediate and Long-Term Care Sector that include Senior Care Centre, DayRehabilitation Centre and residents in Nursing Homes.

Her passion for designing a conducive environment for rehabilitation was an inspiration behind Ms. Manchu’s work in establishing a Senior Care Centre in Singapore. She practiced Case management and care coordination as part of her managerial role in delivering patient centric care for the adults and elderly.

Her educational visits tovarious rehabilitation facilities in Australia, Finland, Malaysia, Hongkong have given her an in-depth knowledge on models of care, resource management and care delivery.She gained experience in designing individualised fitness and strength training programs for adults and seniorswith the help of HUR machines, a smart and innovative exercise solutions for active aging and rehabilitation. She served as a member in the development and implementation of centre-based guidelines for the ILTC sector and standards and skills framework for support staff spearheaded by Agency for Integrated Care (AIC).